The Snowball Effect
July 15th, 2024
The Cherry Picking Festival
The Wild Project, NYC
At a small town dump in the months right before the global pandemic, three lives intersect when Carla, an obsessive compulsive thinker, decides to junk her large collection of mirrors. Amid garbage bags, essential oils and pizza, SALVAGE examines human connection and what happens when we allow ourselves to truly be seen.
Directed by: Kathryn Markey Starring: Eva Kaminsky, Chris Thorn & Adinah Alexander
Directed by: Kathryn Markey Starring: Eva Kaminsky, Chris Thorn & Adinah Alexander
Crime of Curiosity with: Michael-Ellen Walden & Jo Hoch, Director: Brandii Champagne Photo: Lena Aubrey
Audience Award, February 2023
Audience Award, February 2023